An efficient meeting thanks to a double pizza

18 April 2024

In the world of work, meetings are the order of the day. Yet all too often these meetings turn into marathons where participants get lost in endless discussions, with no clear direction and sometimes no tangible results at the end. But what distinguishes a productive meeting from a waste of time? The answer might well lie in a simple but effective rule devised by Amazon boss Jeff Bezos: the two-pizza rule.

It is not very complicated or rocket science: for a team or project meeting, it is best not to invite more people than can be fed with two pizzas. In other words, identify key participants whose presence is essential to achieve the meeting's objectives, ideally a maximum of eight people. This promotes smoother communication, faster decisions and greater efficiency.

A technique based on the SMART method

Once you have selected a shortlist of participants, it is time to focus on making the meeting as productive as possible. First and foremost, set clear and achievable objectives. Each objective should be precise, measurable and achievable within the time allowed. This is a common tool in marketing called the SMART method. With this clarity, every participant knows what is expected and can contribute meaningfully to the discussions.

Then prepare a detailed agenda to guide the meeting in the form of a timeline with the topics to be discussed and the time allotted for each topic. Share this agenda with participants in advance so that they can prepare accordingly. This ensures that the meeting runs smoothly and avoids unnecessary digressions.

Once the big day arrives, stick to the time limit. If necessary, use timers for each item on the agenda to keep pace and maximise efficiency. Also encourage interaction among all participants, encourage an open exchange of ideas and opinions and make sure every voice is heard.


L’art de la communication : un sérieux atout dans l’hôtellerie

13 May 2024

L'art de la communication : un sérieux atout dans l'hôtellerie

Boomerang recruitment crosses Belgium

2 May 2024

Boomerang recruitment crosses Belgium

The imminent revival of the iconic Hôtel Métropole in Brussels

25 April 2024

The Hôtel Métropole in Brussels begins its 2025 renovation, an ode to heritage and employment!

Opening hours
Mo - Fri : 9am till 6pm

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B-1050 Bruxelles
HorecAssist SRL
BE 0786.418.887